Simple Silks: Color Shifting vs. Color Changing

Simple Silks: Color Shifting vs. Color Changing

With our SS25 Simple Silks dropping on Monday we thought it was about time we shared a little more information about these magical silks that we love SO much. If you're new here and don't already know what's so great about Simple silks, take a peek at our Silks for Summer page here.

What better way to help you understand than to answer your FAQs directly so without further ado, 

Simple Silk: Color Shifting + Color Changing, your FAQs answered

Q. What is a color-shifting Simple silk? 

A. A color-shifting silk is a colorway that has been cross-woven from two different colors of yarn—one color used as the warp and one color woven in on the weft. Our Simple silks have a sheen to them and when the two colors are cross-woven it creates a color-shifting appearance that changes with movement and light. An iridescence filled with playful color and character. 

Q. Are any of the SS25 Simple Silks color-shifters?

A. Yes! 5 of the 6 colors in our SS25 Simple lineup are color-shifters. You can see them all below. Ink, our dark navy blue (shown in the lineup below) is the only solid color and is not a color-shifter as both the warp and the weft are the same color.

Q. Do color-shifters change color after they get wet?

A. They can! When natural fibers get wet they lose some color, aka bleed. Think of what happens when something red accidentally sneaks into your white batch of laundry - your whites come out pink! What happened is that the red article lost some color when wet and that dye got into the water and dyed the whites into a new color - pink!

So, while all color-shifters are woven of two different colors that does not mean that they are all color-changers! It depends on the colors - some colors bleed more than others, typically more saturated colors like black, red, dark green, dark blue, bright pink, etc. 

Q. Are any of the SS25 Simple Silks color-changers?

A. They are! We have done some dipping of our SS25 silks and shared the results with you below so you know just what will happen when you get your new Simple Silk wet. Some are more dramatic than others. 

Q. I heard I can use my Simple Silk for water play at the beach or the pool, is this true?

A. Yes! Learn all about using your Simple Silk carrier for water play here + enter to win $300 to shop our SS25 Simple Silk drop:

Q. If I get my sling wet and the color changes, will it go back to its original color?

A. No. The color change is due to dye transfer and is the new permanent color.

Q. What if I don't want it to change colors?

A. We do not recommend using that carrier for water play if you want to preserve the original color.

If you want to retain the color as best you can, make sure to use cold water and distilled white vinegar to clean your sling. The longer it soaks, the warmer the water, the less vinegar you use, these things will result in more color changing and dye bleeding into the water. Dip it on the fast side in cold water with distilled white vinegar to keep the color as close to the original as possible. Basically, follow our regular care instructions here. That said, it will always have a little color loss/blending as it dries the colors will blend a bit but not as dramatically. 

Q. Will the color change more if I wash it in hot water? 

A. Yes. Typically hot water will allow more of the dye to release from the fiber resulting in a more dramatic color change. 

Whew! I think that about covers it, check out our SS25 color-shifters below and then stay tuned to Instagram this weekend as we have some fun with these colors 🤓 Hint: we'll have a few more chances to win some Sakura Bloom shopping funds!

A reminder that our Unthreaded community members will have early access to shop the drop on Monday. Join Unthreaded here.

Wondering the color names of each of these? You'll have to guess over on Instagram this weekend! Follow along here.