Get ready! We're taking it old school and dropping all of our Core Collections at once. It's true...
Basics, Chambray, Theory, Simple, and Maven are all dropping this Thursday, 10am PST.
We've got one big bouquet of fresh colorways and textiles landing in the shop just in time for Spring. You can view all of our new colorways here and they will be available for sale on Thursday at 10am PST. In celebration, we'll be showing off all of our new colorways, one collection at a time over on Instagram as we lead up to the drop, so stay tuned!
PLUS, 2 important things to know right now...
1 - We're giving away $1000 to shop the drop, more of reason to hop over and follow us on Instagram - @lovesakurabloom
2 - Shop the drop early! We're giving our newsletter subscribers 1 hour early access to shop on Thursday, so make sure you're signed up. We'll be sending out the password before the drop which will allow you to enter the shop at 9:00am pst!
Cheers to a new season full of hope, love, and adventures!
Peep all of our new Spring colorways here. They will be available for purchase on Thursday, 10am PST.